Cupra Born Pet Hates

Faults and Technical chat for the CUPRA Born
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Post by preddall »

Inneffective reversing light

Inneffective reversing camera - no dirt cover

Missing Login prompt kills most infotainment functions - rectified (temporarily) by powering the cereen off and back on (Bottom LH) power button

Lack of updates to the car and the app e.g.

Incorrect mileage prediction in the MY Cupra App
Cupra support Nov 2022 'This issue is being analyzed by our specialists'

What are your pet hates??

Cupra Born V2 58kWh e-Boost

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Post by daern »

These are all just minor niggles to me. There's nothing I really "hate" about the car and we've found living with it to be a generally very pleasant experience and I still very much enjoy driving it.
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Post by Daveion »

I'm with daern. Not ideal but nothing to hate.
The reversing light is so other vehicles can tell you are reversing. Many people believe its there to light the way but that's not the intention. On some cars it does shed light better than others.
Born V2-Tech L collected June 22
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Post by WoT »

Certainly. After 3 months I still hate the occasions when i need 100% for say 7am. And the chances are always 50/50 on whether it will happen. That really is the big one.
I have learned to tolerate the poor infotainment system and the idiotic window controls. I don't hate the voice control system because i have learned that it isn't a control system.
58kwh v2 Dec 22
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Post by WoT »

..and the cupra app...can't be more complex than my Hive app, surely? Why doesn't it work?
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Post by monkeyhanger »

preddall wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:14 pm Inneffective reversing light

Inneffective reversing camera - no dirt cover

Missing Login prompt kills most infotainment functions - rectified (temporarily) by powering the cereen off and back on (Bottom LH) power button

Lack of updates to the car and the app e.g.

Incorrect mileage prediction in the MY Cupra App
Cupra support Nov 2022 'This issue is being analyzed by our specialists'

What are your pet hates??

Cupra Born V2 58kWh e-Boost
My biggest dislike is that in Cupra driving mode, the B mode type regen is in place regardless of whether you're in B mode or D mode. Leave my D mode to do as intended please!

Less annoying are those "update available" messages that flash up on the infotainment screen and then cock up your climate settings when you press "ok".

The mirror dip in reverse only happens when you remember to put the mirror jog dial to "L" first because the jog dial can't remember where it last was between ignition cycles.

As OBD11 stopped the Kamikaze lane assist going on at every ignition cycle, I'm pretty much fine for everything else.

As Daveion says, rear lights aren't for lighting the way for the drivers benefit, they're for letting the car behind you're reversing.

Would've been handy to have the ID3's flipdown rear camera to save it getting mucky, but I put more trust in the parking sensors than the camera when reversing.
2022 V2 E-Boost L-Tech Pack - Aurora Blue
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Post by daern »

WoT wrote: Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:27 pm After 3 months I still hate the occasions when i need 100% for say 7am. And the chances are always 50/50 on whether it will happen. That really is the big one.
Definitely don't have this, with the exception of the occasional "charge at half speed" bug that has been well documented across both the Born and ID.3 with multiple workarounds available. If I tell it I want 100%, I get 100% (subject to it getting there in the 4 hour cheap-leccy window, of course!)

Are you using the in-car scheduling to do this? If so, this might be the difference as I don't use this so wouldn't know if it were a buggy mess. I do the scheduling on the charger, and the only bit the car does is the charge level disconnect, as this means that when I charge away from home, it will always work straight away without any messing, which works better for me.
Deleted User 490

Post by Deleted User 490 »

Most annoying on mine is the errant heated steering wheel, it appears to think Ive set the other “consumers” to activate with scheduled cabin heating or the turn heating on immediately at unlock settings. I haven’t.

Less annoying individually but as a while quite annoying are the wireless charging pad hardly ever working, reduce volume when opening doors not working, carplay taking forever to start up, the “new settings are available” issue, the steering judder and the boot is prone to not closing properly first time.

There’s not an EV I’d want to change it for given the way it drives, looks, size, form factor, costs etc. Optimistic these annoyances will be resolved.
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Post by smbmetal »

All the above is probably one of the main reasons putting me off going to a Born or any similarly sized EV. Of course it's not the only EV to suffer with the above issues.

My current ICE cars remembers exactly everything I need, Lane assist remains off, Apple Car works perfectly, I don't need a degree in software engineering to work out the Infotainment system and it even has rear window buttons!

Huge kudos to all you kind people taking on all these issues so that Cupra can make a better user experience.

Not something I could live with I'm afraid, especially at the high cost of buying the car in the first place. Perhaps the overall experience of driving the car makes up for it?
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Post by monkeyhanger »

Born Leccy wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:56 am Most annoying on mine is the errant heated steering wheel, it appears to think Ive set the other “consumers” to activate with scheduled cabin heating or the turn heating on immediately at unlock settings. I haven’t.

Less annoying individually but as a while quite annoying are the wireless charging pad hardly ever working, reduce volume when opening doors not working, carplay taking forever to start up, the “new settings are available” issue, the steering judder and the boot is prone to not closing properly first time.

There’s not an EV I’d want to change it for given the way it drives, looks, size, form factor, costs etc. Optimistic these annoyances will be resolved.
If you have a boot that you need to slam to close, you should get that back to the dealer ASAP - it's not normal and VW only give you 6 months for warranty "door adjustments". Had this issue in the Polo GTI+ and local dealership fobbed me off so many times, I missed the 6 month window for warranty when I went elsewhere. For mine, the catch on the boot floor was set about 8mm back from where it should be. Once slammed shut, the boot lid was held so close to the body, it had started to rub paint on the inside edge. Readjusted the catch myself in the end.
2022 V2 E-Boost L-Tech Pack - Aurora Blue
2023 Audi S3 - to avoid rapid charging on long journeys.

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